“The formula for success is simple: practice and concentration; then more practice and more concentration.” – Babe Didrikson Zaharias.
Do you struggle to concentrate? Do you get easily distracted and find yourself daydreaming? This doesn’t seem to be something we just out grow. Honestly, I am amazed by how often my mind wanders off when I am busy with an important task. The quote above suggests that success requires practice and concentration. I don’t disagree with that at all. However, concentration in itself is something that needs to be practiced.
If I am tired, upset or anxious, I find concentrating very challenging. Unfortunately, when I fail to properly concentrate on the job at hand, it always leads to a disappointing, unfavourable result. I end up having to redo the task, which is not only time consuming but frustrating as well.
Sometimes I start off really well, I am completely focused on what I am doing but then I forget to concentrate and things go terribly wrong. Proper concentration requires more than a conscious, deliberate decision, it requires sustained effort. You must not allow yourself to lose focus. Basically, you need to concentrate on concentrating.
As an adult I know that I need to concentrate and I know what the consequences of not concentrating can be. Even so, I still experience times when I get distracted and my concentration wains. Our minds can be filled with so many thoughts all at once. We have to shut out the “noise” in our minds in order to properly concentrate on one thing at a time. Only after mastering this are we able to give our very best. We cannot truly succeed and fulfil our true potential without learning how to concentrate.
If we as adults struggle with concentrating, imagine how hard it is for little ones. Children are still developing and so is their concentration span. This is why they are very easily distracted. It is important for children to not only learn to concentrate, but to practice it. Children also need to understand how not concentrating can affect them and what the consequences thereof could be.
I wrote the Sam the spider book to help children fully understand what concentration is, why it is so important and what can happen when they don’t concentrate. The delightful Sam the spider character, along with the entertaining story and captivating illustrations work together to demonstrate to children the importance of concentration in a way they will be able to relate to and on a level that they can easily understand. It shows that when you let your mind wander you lose focus on what you are busy doing. The story also provides some insight into the world of spiders.
“Sam the spider” is available from Amazon and various other leading online retailers. Crawl into this delightful book and join Sam on his exciting adventure. If you have read and enjoyed this story would you please be so kind as to show your support by leaving a review. I trust that this story will make children more aware of the need for concentration. I sincerely hope it will encourage them to pay attention and to practice concentrating.
Any blog or book related feedback and questions are always welcome. I would love to hear from you. Please let me know if you enjoyed the Sam the spider book. If you would like to share photographs of your children enjoying my books, you can do so by posting them on my website and/or my Jacqui Shepherd Children’s Author Facebook Page.
Make story time a special time. Happy reading!
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